Best English Grammar Apps on Android

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Whether you’re a student polishing your essays, a professional seeking to refine your email writing, or simply someone striving for clarity in everyday communication, strong grammar skills are essential. While textbooks and online courses offer valuable resources, mobile apps provide a convenient and engaging way to learn and practice grammar on the go. But with countless options available on the Android Play Store, how do you choose the right app for your needs? Here’s our curated list of the best English grammar apps for Android, catering to diverse learning styles and goals:

1. Structured Learning: English Grammar in Use

For those seeking a systematic approach, English Grammar in Use shines. This app follows the renowned Raymond Murphy series, offering clear explanations, interactive exercises, and progress tracking. You can work through grammar units like tenses, articles, and sentence structure, with practice exercises tailored to your level. The app also boasts personalized learning paths and adaptive quizzes, ensuring you focus on concepts you need to master.

2. Gamified Practice: One of the Best English Grammar Apps

Learning shouldn’t be a chore! Johnny Grammar Word Challenge takes a fun and engaging approach through interactive word games. Choose from various modes like “Fix the Sentence” or “Verb Tense Dash,” where you race against the clock to select the correct grammar options. This app is ideal for visual learners and those who enjoy a healthy dose of competition while improving their grammar skills.

3. On-the-Go Reference

Need a quick grammar lookup while crafting an email or editing a document? Oxford Grammar and Punctuation is your pocket reference guide. This app offers comprehensive explanations of grammar rules, punctuation usage, and common usage dilemmas. Bookmark frequently used sections for easy access, and explore the built-in thesaurus for synonym suggestions. Whether you’re unsure about comma placement or want to brush up on verb conjugations, Oxford Grammar has you covered.

4. Real-Time Feedback: Grammarly Keyboard

For those who communicate heavily through messaging and social media, Grammarly Keyboard integrates seamlessly with your everyday typing experience. It acts as a virtual grammar checker, identifying errors and suggesting corrections in real-time as you type. This instant feedback helps you avoid typos, grammatical mistakes, and even suggests phrasing improvements for clearer communication. 

Bonus Tip: Take advantage of free trials or limited free content offered by many of these apps before committing to a paid subscription. You can also explore additional options like Khan Academy, Learn English Grammar, and Linguix, each with unique strengths and learning styles. Remember, the most important factor is finding an app that resonates with you and keeps you engaged on your grammar journey!


Learning and practicing grammar doesn’t have to be a tedious task. With these engaging and informative apps readily available on your Android device, you can sharpen your grammar skills, boost your confidence, and effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas with clarity and precision. So, download the app that suits your needs and embark on your grammar mastery journey today!

Mark के बारे में
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Mark I am Raj, a content writer with over one year of experience. I have written news and evergreen content for many websites Read More
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