Craving Mama’s Love? Make Toovar Dana Puri Like a Desi Pro

Snehlata Sinha

Remember those lazy weekend mornings, waking up to the aroma of piping hot puris filled with mama’s magic? No restaurant, no matter how fancy, can replicate that unique blend of crispy fluffiness and heartfelt warmth. But fret not, desi wanderers and homesick souls, for this article brings you the secrets to making Toovar Dana Puri in true homemade style!

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What’s Toovar Dana?

Think green peas, but bolder and nuttier. Toovar Dana, also known as split pigeon peas, adds a distinct flavor and texture to puris. It’s readily available, packed with protein and fiber, and takes your puri experience to a whole new level.

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Ready to unleash your inner desi chef? Let’s delve into the ingredients and methods!


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  • 1 cup boiled Toovar Dana (split pigeon peas)
  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 2 green chilies (chopped)
  • 1/2 inch ginger (chopped)
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1 tablespoon oil


  1. Boil the Bliss: Start by rinsing and boiling your Toovar Dana. Once cooked, blend it with chopped green chilies and ginger, adding a little water for smoothness.
  2. Spice Up the Dough: In a mixing bowl, combine the blended lentil mix with wheat flour, salt, turmeric, and cumin. Gradually add water to form a stiff dough. Don’t forget a drizzle of oil for that extra sheen!
  3. Rest, Relax, Refine: Knead the dough well and let it rest for 10 minutes. This allows the flavors to meld and the gluten to relax, making the puris super soft.
  4. The Art of Rolling: Divide the dough into equal portions and roll them into small balls. Use a rolling pin to flatten each ball into thin circles, aiming for even thickness.
  5. Sizzle & Shine: Heat oil in a pan until it shimmers. Gently slide the flattened puris into the hot oil. Fry until golden brown and puffed, ensuring they don’t get burnt.

Mama’s Secret Tips:

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  • Kasuri Methi Magic: Add a pinch of dried fenugreek leaves (kasuri methi) to the flour for a burst of earthy aroma and flavor.
  • Crispy Crunch with Semolina: For extra crispness, incorporate 3-4 tablespoons of semolina (sooji) into the dough. But remember, moderation is key!
  • The Heat is On: Ensure the oil is hot enough before frying. Start with high heat to puff the puris, then lower it for even cooking and a golden finish.

Now, witness the magic! Drain your puris on absorbent paper and watch them transform into golden pillows begging to be savored. Pair them with your favorite sabzi, a dollop of chutney, or simply relish them solo. Each bite will remind you of home, of mama’s love, and the joy of sharing deliciousness.

But wait, there’s more!

  • Experiment with Fillings: Get creative! Fill your puris with mashed potato, spiced paneer, or even a sweet treat like coconut stuffing.
  • Master the Leftovers: Store leftover puris in an airtight container. Reheat them in a pan or oven for a quick, crispy snack.
  • Share the Joy: Don’t keep this love to yourself! Make a batch for your loved ones and create new memories around the table.

So, go forth, dear reader, and conquer the art of Toovar Dana Puri! Remember, it’s not just about the recipe, it’s about the passion, the memories, and the love you pour into it. Your kitchen awaits, and a taste of home is just a few simple steps away.

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