How To Clean Chicken: Your Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Chicken Like a Desi Masterchef!

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Manoj Kumar

Ever stare at a raw chicken with the same horror as facing DDLJ’s Karan Johar at a family gathering? Relax, my fellow desi foodie! Cleaning chicken doesn’t have to be a chaotic Bollywood drama. With this guide, you’ll be transforming those feathery fiends into culinary masterpieces faster than you can say “maa ka pyar!”

Forget the Myths: Why Washing Isn’t Winning

Hold your horses! Ditch the age-old habit of rinsing your chicken under running water. This might spread harmful bacteria across your kitchen like Holi celebrations gone wild. Instead, pat the chicken dry with paper towels – think of it as giving it a gentle chotu towel massage.

Prep Like a Pro: Tools & Techniques

Gather your desi cleaning squad:

  • Sharp Knife: Your trusty steel sidekick for trimming excess fat and skin.
  • Cutting Board: Choose a spacious one, hygiene is key!
  • Paper Towels: Lots of them, for blotting and discarding.
  • Gloves (Optional): Shield your delicate hands if desired.

Step 1: The Great Giblet Hunt

Peek inside the cavity for hidden treasures – the giblets (heart, liver, gizzard). Remove them carefully and decide their fate: cook them up desi-style or discard them (ethically, of course!).

Step 2: Fat Trimming Tango

Excess fat can affect flavour and cooking time. Use your knife like a pro to trim visible fat deposits, especially around the neck and tail areas. Remember, be gentle, we don’t want to Hulk smash the chicken!

Step 3: Skin On or Off, That is the Question

Chicken skin can add delicious flavour and crispness, but some prefer it gone. If you’re team no-skin, carefully peel it off using your fingers or a knife, starting from the neck and working your way down. Remember, practice makes perfect (and tastier chicken!).

Step 4: Say Goodbye to Pin Feathers

Those pesky pin feathers can be a pain. Grab a pair of tweezers (think of them as your beauty tools for the chicken!) and gently pluck them out one by one. Patience is key, this isn’t a feather-pulling competition!

Step 5: The Final Touches

Pat the chicken dry once more. Remember, moisture is the enemy of crispy perfection! Now, your chicken is prepped and ready to be transformed into a culinary masterpiece.

Bonus Tip: Spice Up Your Cleaning!

Want to add a desi twist? Rub the chicken with a lemon half or a mixture of turmeric and salt before patting it dry. This not only adds flavour but also helps remove any lingering surface bacteria.


  • Hygiene is King: Wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling chicken, and disinfect your work surfaces.
  • Cook Thoroughly: Always cook chicken to a safe internal temperature (74°C or 165°F) to eliminate harmful bacteria.
  • Embrace the Fun: Don’t stress, cleaning chicken can be a breeze with the right approach. So put on some Bollywood tunes, channel your inner chef, and get ready to create a delicious meal!
Manoj Kumar के बारे में
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Manoj Kumar My name is Manoj Kumar Lodh. I have been passionate about writing since childhood. I love to learn about new things happening in the country and the world and to research them. I have been writing articles since 2021, researching and writing articles on health, government schemes, and technology topics. I work very hard to write content so that you can get the right information. Thank you." Read More
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