iPhone SE 4 BOE to Supply OLED Screen, Samsung Drops Out

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In the realm of smartphone developments, a new report suggests that Apple’s upcoming iPhone SE 4 may feature an OLED screen crafted by Chinese electronics giant BOE. This intriguing revelation sheds light on the behind-the-scenes negotiations and supplier dynamics shaping the tech giant’s midrange smartphone strategy. Let’s delve into the details of this latest scoop.

OLED Shift

According to a recent report from ZDNet Korea, BOE has emerged victorious in the bid to manufacture OLED screens for the iPhone SE 4. This marks a significant departure from previous models, as Apple explores alternative suppliers for its display components. The decision to opt for BOE underscores the company’s commitment to diversifying its supply chain and tapping into the expertise of Chinese manufacturers.

Supplier Shuffle

Interestingly, Samsung, a long-standing supplier for Apple’s OLED screens, has withdrawn from the race, citing business feasibility concerns. Reports indicate that Samsung Display quoted a higher price range for its display units, prompting Apple to explore more cost-effective alternatives. This development underscores the complex interplay of business dynamics and pricing strategies within the smartphone industry.

Pricing Pressures

The negotiations between Apple and its suppliers offer a glimpse into the intricate dance of pricing negotiations. While Samsung proposed a price range of $35 to $40 per display unit, Chinese companies, including BOE, sought a more competitive rate of $30. Apple, known for its stringent cost considerations, reportedly offered a lower price of $25, leading to Samsung’s eventual exit from the discussions.


BOE’s selection as the primary supplier for the iPhone SE 4 underscores its capabilities and readiness to meet Apple’s technical requirements. Unlike its counterpart Tianma, BOE has demonstrated the capacity to produce OLED screens that align with Apple’s specifications. This positions BOE as a key player in Apple’s supply chain strategy for its more affordable smartphone offerings.

Looking Ahead

As the iPhone SE 4 takes shape behind the scenes, anticipation builds for its eventual debut. With reports hinting at a design akin to the iPhone 14 and support for Face ID, enthusiasts await further details on its features and specifications. While Apple has yet to confirm its plans for the iPhone SE 4, the buzz surrounding its potential release fuels excitement within the smartphone community.

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Sweety Meet Sweety Kumari, the vibrant writer at TimesBull with an interest for mobile trends, insurance, and latest news in specific domains. Look into the pulse of current affairs. For any inquiries or issues contact timesbull@gmail.com. Read More
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