Keep Your Aadhaar Updated: Hassle-free Ways to Update Your Mobile Number from Home

Aadhaar card Update
Aadhaar card Update

Aadhaar Updated: Imagine needing your Aadhaar card for a crucial task, only to find the mobile number linked to it is outdated. Don’t fret! Updating your Aadhaar mobile number is easier than you think, and you can even do it from the comfort of your own home. Let’s dive into the methods and clear any confusion you might have.

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Why Update Your Aadhaar Mobile Number?

Think of your Aadhaar mobile number as the gateway to your Aadhaar-related services. It receives OTPs for authentication, allows online updates, and keeps you informed about important Aadhaar updates. So, keeping it current is crucial.

Two Convenient Ways to Update:

  1. Online Portal:
  • Eligibility: This method requires your existing Aadhaar mobile number to be registered.
  • Steps:
    • Visit the official UIDAI website (
    • Log in using your Aadhaar number and existing mobile number.
    • Click on “Update Mobile Number” and enter your new number.
    • Verify the new number with an OTP sent to it.
    • Submit the request and track its progress using the generated Update Request Number (URN).
  1. Aadhaar Seva Kendra:

  • Eligibility: Open to all, regardless of registered mobile number.
  • Steps:
    • Visit your nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
    • Fill out the Aadhaar Update/Correction Form, specifying “Mobile Number Update.”
    • Submit the form along with the required documents (proof of identity and address).
    • Provide your fingerprint or iris scan for biometric verification.
    • You’ll receive an acknowledgment slip with a tracking number.

Additional Tips:

  • Ensure accuracy: Double-check your new mobile number before submitting the request.
  • Documents required: Carry valid proof of identity and address when visiting the Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
  • Processing time: Expect 1-2 weeks for online updates and slightly longer for offline ones.
  • Charges: There’s a nominal fee of Rs. 50 for online and Rs. 25 for offline updates.


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  • You can update your mobile number only once in a calendar year online.
  • Biometric verification might be required for some updates at the Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
  • Keep your Aadhaar card safe and avoid sharing your details with unauthorized individuals.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your Aadhaar mobile number updated and ensure smooth access to Aadhaar-related services. Remember, a verified and updated Aadhaar is your key to a multitude of benefits in today’s digital India.

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