Next-Gen iPad Pro Launch Delayed: Possible Link to Samsung Display Issues

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Manoj Kumar

Been itching to get your hands on the next-gen iPad Pro with its swanky OLED display? Well, hold your horses for a minute! While rumors swirled about a March release, it seems Apple’s plans have gotten a slight OLED-shaped wrinkle. Let’s dive into the juicy details behind the delay and what you can expect from these powerhouse tablets.

Samsung’s Hiccup: The Culprit Behind the Wait

Remember all that chatter about Samsung Display supplying the fancy OLED panels for Apple’s new iPad Pro? Turns out, they hit a bit of a snag. According to reports, Samsung faced production issues with their new 11-inch OLED panels, leading to lower yields (usable panels from the entire batch). This meant they couldn’t meet Apple’s massive order quantity.

LG Display Steps Up to the Plate

Faced with a supply chain hurdle, Apple wasn’t about to wait. They cleverly shifted some orders to LG Display, who’ve been busy bees ramping up production by hundreds of thousands for next month. This reallocation means LG is now expected to shoulder a whopping 60% of all OLED panel orders for the new iPad Pro lineup.

Double Duty for LG: Bigger Panels and More Orders

Previously, the plan was for LG to handle the larger 13-inch panels, while Samsung tackled the 11-inch ones. But with Samsung’s temporary roadblock, LG is stepping up to produce both sizes. These are the next-gen OLED panels boasting two light-emitting layers, translating to a longer lifespan and even brighter displays for your ultimate viewing experience.

LG Prepares for the Spotlight: Quality Control and Investment

LG hasn’t been sitting on their laurels. They recently invested a hefty sum to establish a brand new, sixth-generation OLED panel manufacturing line. Plus, they’ve earned Apple’s coveted quality control certification, giving them the green light to take on a bigger chunk of the production pie.

Revised Order Numbers and a May Launch on the Horizon

Reports suggest Apple has adjusted their initial order of 10 million OLED panels down to 8.5 million. This could be due to the production shift or a strategic move by Apple. Regardless, the wait for these beauties might extend a bit longer. The good news? The launch window has been pushed back to May 2024, so mark your calendars!

What to Expect from the New iPad Pro

While the wait might be a tad annoying, the upcoming iPad Pros promise to be worth it. Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect:

  • Price Bump: Brace yourselves for a slightly higher price tag compared to the current iPad Pro models.
  • M3 Chip Powerhouse: Apple’s next-generation M3 chip is rumored to be under the hood, delivering a significant performance boost for all your demanding tasks.
  • OLED Display Magic: The star of the show! Get ready for stunning visuals with deeper blacks, richer colors, and incredible brightness thanks to the new OLED technology.

So there you have it! The wait for the next-gen iPad Pro might be a touch longer, but with the production switch-up and a May launch window in sight, the wait will soon be over. Get ready to experience the future of tablets with the power of M3 and the dazzling beauty of an OLED display!

Manoj Kumar के बारे में
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Manoj Kumar My name is Manoj Kumar Lodh. I have been passionate about writing since childhood. I love to learn about new things happening in the country and the world and to research them. I have been writing articles since 2021, researching and writing articles on health, government schemes, and technology topics. I work very hard to write content so that you can get the right information. Thank you." Read More
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