Noida Shocker: Another Viral Video of Scooty Stunts and Obscenity Sparks Outrage

Snehlata Sinha

Viral Video : Another video has emerged from Noida, sending shockwaves through social media and raising concerns about public safety and indecency. This comes on the heels of the ongoing investigation into a previous viral video featuring two girls indulging in obscene behavior inside the metro.

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Obscene Acts on a Moving Scooter

The new video shows a young man riding a scooter with two girls seated precariously on the back. All three disregard basic traffic safety measures, with none of them wearing helmets. But it’s the girls’ actions that have sparked outrage. They are seen performing obscene dances, hugging and kissing each other while the scooter is in motion. The video, accompanied by the song “Ang Laga Le,” paints a disturbing picture of recklessness and disregard for societal norms.

Social Media in a Frenzy

As soon as the video went viral, it ignited a firestorm of comments on Twitter. People expressed their disgust and disappointment at the blatant disregard for traffic rules and public decency. Some comments highlighted the negative influence such videos can have, especially on younger viewers.

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One user commented, “Sushil girls spreading obscenity in the name of Holi? Is this the impact of the Delhi Metro reaching Greater Noida? What a shame!” Another user questioned the message such acts send to society, particularly considering children might also be exposed to this content.

Police Take Action

The Noida Police, who had already issued an advisory before Holi urging people to celebrate responsibly and follow traffic rules, have taken swift action. A challan (traffic fine) amounting to Rs 33,000 has been issued in connection with the video.

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A Cause for Concern

This incident, along with the previous metro video, raises serious concerns about a growing trend of public indecency and disregard for safety regulations. It highlights the need for stricter enforcement of traffic laws and a broader societal discussion about appropriate behavior in public spaces.


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Here’s a breakdown of the video’s content and the reactions it has garnered:

  • Reckless Stunts: The video features dangerous stunts on a scooter, putting the lives of all three individuals at risk.
  • Obscene Behavior: The girls’ dancing and physical contact on a moving vehicle are considered obscene and inappropriate by many viewers.
  • Traffic Violations: The complete disregard for helmets and overloading the scooter are clear violations of traffic rules.
  • Social Media Outrage: The video has sparked outrage on social media, with people criticizing the girls’ actions and calling for stricter enforcement.
  • Police Response: The Noida Police have issued a hefty challan to deter such behavior in the future.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of responsible behavior on public roads and the need for open communication about appropriate conduct in society.

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