Picture Perfect: Update Your Aadhaar Photo with Ease!

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Aadhaar Photo :  Imagine being asked to show your Aadhaar card at a crucial moment, only to cringe at the outdated or unflattering photo staring back at you. Don’t let this be your reality! While Aadhaar plays a vital role in our lives, updating your photo is a surprisingly simple and affordable process.

Why Update Your Aadhaar Photo?

Think beyond aesthetics. An accurate and recent photo on your Aadhaar card ensures:

  • Enhanced Security: A fresh photo makes facial recognition during verification smoother and more secure.
  • Improved Credibility: A professional-looking photo reflects positively on you in official settings.
  • Boosted Confidence: Present yourself with pride by having a photo that accurately portrays you.

Ready to Make the Change? Here’s How:

  1. Locate Your Aadhaar Enrolment Centre: Visit uidai.gov.in to find the nearest centre or download the “mAadhaar” app for a map-based search.
  2. Book an Appointment (Optional): While walk-ins are possible, booking an appointment (online or offline) can save you time.
  3. Download and Fill the Form: Get the “Aadhaar Correction Form” from uidai.gov.in or the centre itself. Carefully fill in your details and reason for update (photo change).
  4. Visit the Centre with Required Documents: Carry your valid Aadhaar card, a valid ID proof, and the completed form.
  5. Get Captured: The operator will verify your documents and take a fresh photograph. Ensure you’re well-dressed, facing the camera directly, and have a neutral expression.
  6. Pay the Fee: A nominal fee of Rs. 100 applies for photo updates.
  7. Collect Your Acknowledgement Slip: This slip contains an Update Request Number (URN) for tracking the update status.

Additional Tips:

  • No need for additional documents unless updating other details.
  • The updated photo typically reflects within 90 days.
  • Download your updated Aadhaar card (digital or PVC) from uidai.gov.in using your URN.


  • Update your photo regularly to maintain its accuracy.
  • Inform relevant authorities (banks, etc.) about your updated Aadhaar details.
  • Spread the word! Help others keep their Aadhaar photos up-to-date.

Embrace the change and present your best self with a photo that reflects the true you!


Table: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Updating Aadhaar Photo

Question Answer
Can I update my photo online? No, biometric updates (including photo) require physical presence at an Aadhaar Enrolment Centre.
What documents are required for photo update? Only your Aadhaar card and a valid ID proof.
Is there a fee for updating the photo? Yes, a nominal fee of Rs. 100 applies.
How long does it take to update the photo? The updated photo usually reflects within 90 days.
Can I track the status of my photo update? Yes, use the URN on your acknowledgement slip on uidai.gov.in.
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