Share WiFi password: How to share WiFi password on Android mobile phone and iPhone

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Ever had a friend or family member come over, desperate to hop on your WiFi but clueless about the password? We’ve all been there! The good news? Sharing your WiFi these days is a breeze on both Android and iPhone. No more fumbling with cryptic letter-and-number combos – these devices offer built-in features to make the process smooth and secure. Let’s dive into how to share your WiFi password on both Android and iPhone!

Unlocking the WiFi Secrets on Your Android Phone

Sharing WiFi on Android is a straightforward affair. Here’s how to get it done in a jiffy:

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  1. Gearing Up: Accessing Network Settings

    • First things first, unlock your Android phone and head to the Settings menu. This icon usually resembles a cog or gear and is often found on the home screen or app drawer.
  2. Finding Your Network:

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    • Within Settings, navigate to the Network & internet section (or something similar depending on your phone’s make and model). Here, you’ll find a list of all the WiFi networks your device has ever connected to.
  3. Sharing the Goodness: The Power of QR Code

    • Tap on the name of the WiFi network you want to share. This will bring up a screen displaying details about the connection. Look for a button labeled Share or QR Code. Tapping on this will generate a unique QR code specific to that WiFi network.
  4. Connecting the New Device: A Scan Away

    • On the friend’s device (be it another Android phone, iPhone, or any device with WiFi capabilities), open the WiFi settings. The device should automatically scan for available networks. They’ll see your WiFi network listed, but instead of needing the password, they simply need to open their camera app and point it at the QR code displayed on your phone.
  5. Voila! Connected and Browsing

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    • The friend’s device will automatically scan and decipher the QR code, extracting the WiFi password and network information. Within seconds, their device will be connected to your WiFi, ready for browsing and online fun!

Bonus Tip: If your friend doesn’t have a camera app or prefers a manual approach, you can also tap on the Show Password option (usually located below the QR code) to reveal the WiFi password in plain text. They can then enter this password manually on their device during the connection process.

Sharing WiFi Wizardry on Your iPhone

While the process differs slightly, sharing WiFi on iPhone is just as user-friendly. Here’s how to get your guests online in no time:

  1. Unlocking the Control Center:

    • On your iPhone, swipe down from the top-right corner of the screen (on iPhones with a notch) or swipe up from the bottom of the screen (on iPhones without a notch) to access the Control Center.
  2. Locating the WiFi Icon:

    • Within the Control Center, locate the WiFi icon. It will typically resemble a series of curved lines forming concentric circles. Tap and hold on this icon to expand the WiFi settings menu.
  3. Identifying the Network and Initiating the Share:

    • In the expanded menu, you’ll see a list of available WiFi networks. Tap on the name of the network you want to share. Next to the network name, you should see an “i” symbol within a circle. Tap on this icon.
  4. Password Sharing with a Twist: AirDrop Magic

    • Once you tap the “i” symbol, you’ll see the network details, including the password. However, iPhones don’t directly display the password in plain text. Here’s where the magic of AirDrop comes in! Make sure both your iPhone and your friend’s device (assuming it’s another iPhone) have AirDrop enabled. With AirDrop on, tapping on the WiFi network name on your iPhone will prompt a pop-up on your friend’s device asking if they want to join the network. Once they confirm, their iPhone will automatically connect using the shared password.
  5. Alternative for Android Devices:

    • If your friend has an Android device, you can still share the WiFi password. After tapping the “i” symbol, there’s an option to “Copy” the password. You can then paste this copied password into the WiFi settings on your friend’s Android phone for them to connect manually.

Security Matters: Keeping Your Network Safe

While sharing your WiFi is convenient, it’s important to remember some security best practices:

  • Change the Default Password: Most routers come with a pre-set password. It’s crucial to

Mark के बारे में
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Mark I am Raj, a content writer with over one year of experience. I have written news and evergreen content for many websites Read More
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