Shortcut keys for PC: 80+ keyboard shortcuts for your Windows laptop/ PC that will help you work faster

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Imagine this: you’re in the flow, fingers flying across the keyboard, hammering out that important report. But then, you hit a snag. You need to copy a paragraph, but where’s that darn “copy” button hiding in the menu? Those precious seconds tick by as you fumble with the mouse. This is where keyboard shortcuts come in, acting as your secret weapon for navigating Windows like a boss.

By mastering these handy key combinations, you’ll shave off time, streamline your workflow, and impress your colleagues (or at least, look super cool while casually flicking between windows). So, ditch the mouse gymnastics and dive into this treasure trove of 80+ keyboard shortcuts for your Windows PC!

General Windows Shortcuts: Mastering the Basics

Let’s start with the fundamentals. These shortcuts apply across most programs in Windows, making them the building blocks of keyboard ninja-ness.

  • Copy, Cut, Paste, Undo, Redo (Ctrl + C, X, V, Z, Y): This golden quintet needs no introduction. Copy lets you grab selected text, Cut removes it altogether, Paste deposits your copied goodies, Undo reverses your last action (a lifesaver!), and Redo brings it back if you have second thoughts.

  • Navigation (Arrow Keys, Tab, Shift + Tab): These trusty arrows steer your cursor around the screen, while Tab jumps you forward between elements on a window, and Shift + Tab takes you back.

  • Select All (Ctrl + A): Need to highlight everything on a page? This shortcut instantly selects all the text in the current window.

  • Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc): Your PC acting sluggish? The Task Manager gives you a peek under the hood, letting you see running programs, CPU usage, and even end unresponsive tasks.

  • Minimize All Windows (Win + M): Need a quick declutter? This hides all open windows, giving you a clear view of your desktop.

  • Switch Between Open Applications (Alt + Tab): Ever get lost in a sea of open windows? This shortcut lets you cycle through them quickly with a visual preview.

File Management Shortcuts: Become a Folder Pro

Conquering your files and folders is a breeze with these shortcuts:

  • New Folder (Ctrl + Shift + N): Need to organize your digital life? Whip up a new folder in a flash.

  • Open File Explorer (Win + E): This shortcut launches File Explorer, your one-stop shop for browsing and managing all your files and folders.

  • Copy/Move Files (Ctrl + C/X + Enter): While the right-click menu works, these shortcuts let you copy or move highlighted files with lightning speed.

  • Delete (Delete key): Yup, it’s not a surprise, but this sends your unwanted files to the recycle bin.

  • Rename (F2): Want to give a file a more descriptive name? Simply highlight it and press F2.

  • Search Within Folders (Ctrl + F): Lost in a labyrinth of folders? Use this shortcut to find specific files within the current directory.

Text Editing Shortcuts: Write Like a Whirlwind

For those who spend a lot of time crafting documents and emails, these shortcuts are gold:

  • Bold, Italic, Underline (Ctrl + B, I, U): Spruce up your text with these formatting shortcuts.

  • Align Text (Ctrl + Left/Right/Center): Left-align your paragraphs for a clean look, or center them for emphasis.

  • Undo/Redo Formatting (Ctrl + Z/Y): Made a formatting mistake? No worries, these shortcuts let you reverse formatting changes.

  • Bullet Points/Numbering (Ctrl + Shift + B/N): Want to create clear and concise lists? These shortcuts toggle bullet points and numbering on and off.

  • Increase/Decrease Font Size (Ctrl + Shift + > / <): Need to adjust font size for better readability? These shortcuts come in handy.

  • Find and Replace (Ctrl + F/H): Looking for specific text or replacing it with something else? These shortcuts are your best friends.

Bonus Round: Shortcuts for Power Users

Ready to take your Windows mastery to the next level? Check out these shortcuts for advanced users:

  • Screenshot (Win + PrtScn): Capture a screenshot of your entire screen and save it automatically.

  • Lock Your PC (Win + L): Need a quick break? Lock your PC to keep your work safe.

  • Open Search Bar (Win + S): Looking for a specific program or

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Mark I am Raj, a content writer with over one year of experience. I have written news and evergreen content for many websites Read More
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