The Redmi Note 13 Pro Plus Review: Xiaomi’s 200MP Camera Beast

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The Redmi Note series has built a reputation for bringing flagship-level features at affordable prices. The latest Redmi Note 13 Pro+ carries on that pedigree with a groundbreaking 200MP main camera and 120W fast charging while costing under $400.


The headline feature has to be the giant 1/1.4″ 200MP Samsung HP3 image sensor. Despite the very high resolution, photos are binned down to 12.5MP by default.

This oversampling method retains ample details and dynamic range. The compromises come in the processing which can look artificial at 100% magnification.


Supplementary cameras include an 8MP ultrawide for 112-degree shots and a basic 2MP macro camera. The cameras are rounded out by a 16MP selfie shooter.

Ultrawide photos turn out a bit overexposed but have enough resolved detail. The 2MP macro predictably produces simple social media-ready pictures.


Thanks to pixel binning, nighttime shots exhibit low noise, excellent highlights retention and lively colors. Shadow areas have plenty of detail pulled out as well. Only the ultrawide suffers from underexposure and softness in the dark.


For video, the main camera can record at up to 4K 30fps quality with electronic stabilization. The selfie camera is limited to 1080p. Videos are nicely detailed with accurate color in good lighting. Dynamic range is a bit lacking though.

Charging and Refresh Rate

A 5,000mAh battery keeps the phone powered for over a day of use. When you do need to charge, the 120W HyperCharge adapter can go from 0 to 100% in under 20 minutes. The 6.67″ OLED screen also impresses with its sharp image quality and smooth 120Hz refresh rate.

Here is an H2 subheading for a decision-related article:


When facing a big decision, it’s important not to rush in headfirst without carefully examining all aspects and potential outcomes. Taking the time upfront to thoroughly research and reflect can pay off tremendously down the road.

Look at all evidence available, consult experts or people who have faced similar choices. List out the pros and cons and truly understand how each option aligns with your goals and priorities.

While deciding slowly has its merits, avoiding analysis paralysis is key too. Once you’ve deeply explored from multiple lenses, trust your judgment and move ahead decisively. Having confidence in your choice lets you take ownership of wherever it leads.

Samir के बारे में
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Samir Meet Samir, A Tech writer at Times Bull. With a passion for the latest trends and innovations in these industries, Samir brings engaging perspectives to readers through his articles. To discuss his writing or potential opportunities at Times Bull, reach out at Read More
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