Weather Alert: Two Western Disturbances Expected to Bring Rain to Rajasthan

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Weather Alert: The weather forecast for Rajasthan brings with it a new twist as the Meteorological Department issues a big alert. It’s not every day that we witness the convergence of weather systems, but in the upcoming days, two western disturbances are set to shake things up.

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Unraveling the Forecast

The recent weather patterns have been nothing short of intriguing, with Sunday marking a significant shift. Clouds dominated the skies over Sikar and its neighboring regions, casting a shadow over the sun for the better part of the day.

Accompanying this spectacle was a noticeable surge in wind speed. At the Fatehpur Agricultural Research Center, the mercury dipped to a minimum of 10 degrees Celsius, marking a 3.5-degree increase from previous recordings.

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The Tale of Two Disturbances

According to the experts at the Meteorological Department, Rajasthan is bracing itself for the impact of not one, but two western disturbances within a span of three days. These disturbances, known for their ability to bring about abrupt weather changes, are likely to manifest as drizzles or light rain across certain areas come March 13th.

The first disturbance is anticipated to take center stage on March 13th and 14th, primarily affecting regions in western and northern Rajasthan. Areas bordering Sikar, Jodhpur, and Bikaner divisions might experience cloudy skies and sporadic thunderstorms, offering a respite from the dry spell that has prevailed in the region.

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Forecast Breakdown

Here’s a breakdown of what to expect in the coming days:

Date Forecast
March 13 Cloudy skies with the possibility of light rain and thunder in certain areas of Sikar, Jodhpur, and Bikaner divisions.
March 14 Continued impact of the western disturbance, albeit with a diminishing effect.
March 15 Weather likely to return to dry conditions across most of Rajasthan.

Precautionary Measures

While the prospect of rain may bring relief to some, it’s imperative to exercise caution during such weather fluctuations. Here are a few precautionary measures to consider:

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  1. Stay Informed: Keep track of weather updates from reliable sources to stay ahead of any developments.
  2. Stay Indoors: If thunderstorms occur, it’s safer to remain indoors until the weather subsides.
  3. Travel Cautiously: Exercise caution while commuting, especially on slippery roads.
  4. Protective Gear: Carry umbrellas or raincoats to shield yourself from unexpected showers.


As we await the arrival of these western disturbances, it’s essential to stay vigilant and prepared. While rain may bring temporary disruptions, it also replenishes the land and offers a refreshing change from the monotony of dry weather. So, keep your umbrellas handy and embrace the unpredictability of nature as we navigate through this weather rollercoaster.

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