What is a Plan 2 student loan?

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Demystifying Plan 2 Student Loans: A Guide for Indian Students

Ever dreamt of pursuing higher education but worried about the financial burden? Student loans offer a helping hand, but navigating the different plans and their nuances can be tricky. In this article, we’ll specifically delve into Plan 2 student loans, a common option for students in England and Wales.

Understanding Plan 2 Student Loans: What They Are and Who Qualifies

Plan 2 student loans refer to loans taken out on or after September 1st, 2012, and before August 1st, 2023 in England and Wales. These loans are meant to cover the costs associated with:

  • Undergraduate courses: This includes bachelor’s degrees and other undergraduate qualifications.
  • Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE): This qualification allows individuals to become qualified teachers in England and Wales.
  • Advanced Learner Loans: These are available for specific vocational courses at Level 3 to Level 5.
  • Higher Education Short Course Loans: These finance shorter, intensive courses at higher education institutions.

It’s important to note that Plan 2 student loans are not available for postgraduate master’s or doctoral degrees. These fall under a separate category called “Postgraduate Loan.”

Key Features of Plan 2 Student Loans: Repayment and More

Here are some key aspects to understand about Plan 2 student loans:

  • Repayment starts: Repayments typically begin in the April following the April you finish your course and your income exceeds the repayment threshold. This threshold is currently set at £27,300 per year in England and Wales.
  • Repayment amount: The amount you repay is linked to your income, not the loan amount. You’ll typically pay 9% of your income exceeding the repayment threshold.
  • Interest rate: The interest rate on Plan 2 student loans is set annually based on the Retail Prices Index (RPI) in March. This rate is capped by the government to ensure it stays in line with market rates for personal loans.
  • Loan forgiveness: Plan 2 student loans are written off 30 years after the April you were first due to repay. This means any remaining balance after 30 years is automatically forgiven.

Advantages and Considerations of Plan 2 Student Loans

While Plan 2 student loans offer flexibility with income-based repayments, some considerations are crucial:


  • Repayment based on income: This provides relief during periods of lower income and ensures affordability.
  • No upfront repayments: You don’t need to start repaying until your income exceeds the threshold, allowing you to focus on establishing your career.
  • Loan forgiveness: The loan is automatically forgiven after 30 years, offering peace of mind.


  • Interest accrues while studying: Unlike some other plans, interest on Plan 2 loans starts accruing from the first day you receive the loan.
  • Potential long-term debt: Depending on your income, it could take the full 30 years to repay the loan, leading to a long-term financial commitment.

Making Informed Decisions: Beyond Plan 2 Student Loans

Understanding Plan 2 student loans empowers you to make informed decisions about financing your education. Remember, exploring all available options, comparing loan terms, and seeking financial guidance can ensure you choose the right path towards your academic goals.

Mark के बारे में
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Mark I am Raj, a content writer with over one year of experience. I have written news and evergreen content for many websites Read More
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