Sushil Kumar Modi Died: Cancer does not give time – this is a proven fact even today. Otherwise, Sushil Kumar Modi, the doyen of Bihar politics, would not have retired just 40 days after giving information about his cancer.

Sushil Kumar Modi, a veteran leader of Bharatiya Janata Party in Bihar for a long time, was taken away by cancer. Former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar and former Rajya Sabha MP Sushil Modi died in Delhi on Monday night.

On the 3rd of last month, he announced his retirement from active politics after giving information about having cancer. Former Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Modi was suffering from throat cancer. He was undergoing treatment at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi.

Bihar Deputy CM Samrat Chaudhary has conveyed the information about Sushil Modi’s demise to the people through a post on his social media platform ‘X’.

Sushil Kumar Modi: Battle of life

Sushil Kumar Modi gave his last message for public life on 03 April. He wrote on social media – “I have been struggling with cancer for the last six months. Now I felt that the time has come to tell people.

I will not be able to do anything in the Lok Sabha elections. I have told everything to the Prime Minister. Country, Bihar and Always grateful and always dedicated to the party.” After writing this, when Sushil Modi came to Bihar, his supporters were shocked to see his condition at the airport.

His body suddenly collapsed. After this, when many BJP stalwarts came to meet him at his residence, his family members refused to take his photograph.

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